
Get Whitelabel Balance

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Whitelabel Payout Methods

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Trigger Whitelabel Payout

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
payout_method Method to use for payout, `bank` or `instant`.
payout_amount Amount to payout to the payment method (in Cents, NOT dollars).
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get User Financial Timeline

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
custid (optional) Custid of the user to fetch the finance timeline for.
sort (optional) `ASC` or `DESC` - Order in which to sort the timeline items.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get All Users Financial Timeline

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
sort (optional) `ASC` or `DESC` - Order in which to sort the timeline items.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
17 Manage Organization Settings Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc.
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.
21 Assess Fees Allowed to assess fees to users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Refund Payment

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
custid Custid of the user being refunded.
payment_credit_id Id of the credit to refund to the user.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get User Account Balance

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
custid (optional) Custid of the user to fetch the finance balance for.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get User Payment Methods

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Remove User Payment Method

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
payment_source_id Stripe Id of the payment source to remove from the user
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Make A Payment To Whitelabel

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization to receive the payment.
amount Amount to charge the user and transfer to the whitelabel (in cents, NOT dollars)
preferred_payment_method Stripe payment method to attempt to use first when charging the user.
is_donation (optional) `no` or `yes` - Whether or not the payment is a donation. Defaults to `no`
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get All User Account Balances

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.
21 Assess Fees Allowed to assess fees to users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Charge

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
custid Custid of the user the charge is being assessed to.
amount Amount of the charge in cents, NOT dollars.
descr Reason for the charge being assessed to the user
charge_type Type of charge being assessed (`single_group`, `recurring_group`, `donation`, `initialization`, `single`
foreign_id Id relating to the charge type to assist in removing or editing later.
due_date UNIX timestamp of when the charge needs to be paid by the user. Must be greater than 1722067260.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.
21 Assess Fees Allowed to assess fees to users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Credit

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
custid Custid of the user the charge is being assessed to.
amount Amount of the charge in cents, NOT dollars.
description Reason for the charge being assessed to the user
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.
21 Assess Fees Allowed to assess fees to users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Fee Schedule To Group

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
amount Amount of the charge in cents, NOT dollars.
due_by UNIX timestamp of when the charge needs to be paid by each user. Must be greater than 1722067260.
description (optional) Description of the fee being added.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.
21 Assess Fees Allowed to assess fees to users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Remove Fee Schedule From Group

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
schedule_id Id of the charge schedule to remove from all users in the group.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.
21 Assess Fees Allowed to assess fees to users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Group Join Fee

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
amount Amount of the charge in cents, NOT dollars.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.
21 Assess Fees Allowed to assess fees to users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Fee Schedule For Group

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Fee Recovery Setting

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
setting `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not processing fees get recovered from the user when making payments.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Group Payment Requirement

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
require_card `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not users must have a payment method on file before joining groups with a join fee.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Fundraiser

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
title Name of the fundraiser.
description Description of the fundraiser.
start_time UNIX timestamp of when the fundraiser starts and people can make donations towards it.
end_time UNIX timestamp of when the fundraiser ends.
goal Amount the organization is trying to raiser for the item (in cents, NOT dollars).
has_image `true` or `false` - whether or not a image has been POSTed to the endpoint for the fundraiser image.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Fundraising Data

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
donation_item_id Id of the fundraiser.
title (optional) New name of the fundraiser.
description (optional) New description of the fundraiser.
start_time (optional) New UNIX timestamp of when the fundraiser starts and people can make donations towards it.
end_time (optional) New UNIX timestamp of when the fundraiser ends.
goal (optional) New Amount the organization is trying to raiser for the item (in cents, NOT dollars).
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Donate Towards Fundraiser (Payment)

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
donation_item_id Id of the fundraiser.
amount Value of the donation (in cents, NOT dollars).
type `payment` or `cash`
preferred_payment_method (optional) Stripe payment method to charge.
recover_cost (optional) `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not to recover the payment interchange costs
email (optional) Email address of the donor
stripe_customer_id (optional) Stripe Id of the customer making the donation Only required if a non-cash donation.
external_id (optional) Id of the Stripe transaction. only included if recording cash donation
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Donation to Fundraiser (Manual)

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
donation_item_id Id of the fundraiser.
amount Value of the donation (in cents, NOT dollars).
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Fundraiser Details

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

All Payments From Users Setting

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
allow_user_payments `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not users are allowed to make payments on the platform.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
20 Manage Finances Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

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