
Groups are the way users are organized on Boathouse Connect. By placing users into groups, you can predefine user permissions, who receives specific communications, equipment checkout permissions, etc.

Get All Groups

Details about all groups including members, stakeholders, join requests, permissions, and equipment allowances. Please note that the `join_fee` is expressed in cents, NOT dollars (i.e. 1000 = $10.00).

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
archived (optional) `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not to grab archived groups. Defaults to `No`.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            [{"group_id":51,"whitelabel_id":127,"title":"Delta Group","descr":"Welcome to Delta Group! Everyone here is experienced & ready to row. Contact with questions.","max":12,"self_join":"Yes","join_fee":1000,"current_member":"yes","member_count":1,"archived":"No","members":[{"group_id":51,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Merwin","phone_number":"4074031671","email":"","usrowingID":1428190,"usrowing_waiver_expires_on":1627607748,"member_since":1614742009}],"join_requests":[],"stakeholders":[{"group_stakeholder_id":5,"whitelabel_id":127,"group_id":51,"name":"Raider 151","email":"","created_at":1596430008}],"permissions":[],"boat_checkout_permissions":[]}]
Success Response Key

Create Group

Creates a new group for the whitelabel. Groups allow organization to categorize their members in multiple ways.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
name Name of the new group.
descr Brief description of the group
max The maximum number of members the group can have. If it is unlimited, set this to 0.
self_join Determines whether or not members can join the group by themselves OR if they need to request approval to join. Allowed options are `Yes` or `No`.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

                            {"Status":"Success","group_id":113,"group_meta":{"group_id":113,"whitelabel_id":127,"title":"Certified Scullers 2022","descr":"All athletes certified to scull in a 1x","max":0,"self_join":"No","join_fee":null,"archived":"No","public_access":"No","prerequisite_group":0,"restricted_group":0,"firebase_chat_id":"-OFyLsn1bvFG6i80en2P","member_count":0}}
Success Response Key

Update Group Details

Updates the meta-data of the group including title, description, maximum members, and whether the group allows self-joining.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
title (optional) New title of the group.
descr (optional) New description of the group.
self_join (optional) Changes the ability of a user to join the group without prior permission. Options are `Yes` or `No`.
max (optional) Changes the maximum number of members a group can have. To set the max as unlimited, set the max to 0.
custid (optional) Custid of the user you want to add to the group. Defaults to the authenticated user.
join_fee (optional) Amount in cents of fee to charge user for joining group
custid (optional) Custid of the user you want to remove from the group. Defaults to the authenticated user.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

                            {"group_id":52,"whitelabel_id":933652,"title":"Certified Scullers","descr":"All athletes that have passed their flip tests and are allowed to checkout singles to use outside of practice.","max":20,"self_join":"No","join_fee":null,"archived":"No","member_count":3}
Success Response Key

Create Group Join Request

When self_join is set to 'No' for a group, the only way for a member to be added to the group is by either being manually added by an authorized user, or requesting to join the group and being approved by an authorized user. This endpoint is used to send the join request to the specified group by the authenticated user.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            {"Status":"Request Sent"}
Success Response Key

Approve Join Request

Approves a user that has requested to join the group. In order to use this endpoint, the user must have made a join request to the group. To add a user to a group without a join request submitted, use the wlgroups/addUserToGroup endpoint.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
custid Custid of the user requesting to join the group.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

                            {"Status":"Request Approved"}
Success Response Key

Decline Group Join Request

Declines a user's request to join the group.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
custid Custid of the user requesting to join the group.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Permission To Group

Adds a permission to the group. Available permissions can be found using the endpoint wlgroups/getNonAssignedPermissions.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group to add the permission to. Every group_id can be found using the endpoint wlgroups/getAllGroups.
permission_id Id of the permission you wish to add to the group. Available permissions can be found using the endpoint wlgroups/getNonAssignedPermissions.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

                            {"Success":"Permission added"}
Success Response Key

Remove Permission

Removes the specified permission from the group. Be careful that you understand which users will loose this permission and which will still have the permission granted from another group.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group to remove the permission from.
permission_id Id of the permission you wish to remove from the group.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

                            {"Success":"Permission removed"}
Success Response Key

Add User To Group

Adds a user to the specified group as long as the group is not full. If the group is full, consider increasing the max members (assuming you have proper permissions to do so).

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            {"Success":"User added to group"}
Success Response Key

Remove User From Group

Removes the specified user from the group. Be careful, as the user could lose permissions if they do not already inherit the same permissions from another group!

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
custid Custid of the user you want to remove from the group.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Stakeholder To Group

Adding Stakeholders to groups allows you to send email notifications to people without Boathouse Connect accounts. When sending communications, you can specify whether or not the message is sent to stakeholders. This is best used when there is a set of individuals outside of your organization that need to be kept informed on what is happening inside of a group. For Example: If your practices are held inside of a city park, It may be beneficial to add the park manager as a stakeholder to the group related to practices at that location.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
stakeholder_name Name (first and last) of the stakeholder you want to add.
stakeholder_email Email address of the stakeholder.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Delete Stakeholder

Removes the specified stakeholder from the group. To get their stakeholder_id, look at all of the stakeholders listed in the 'stakeholders' element in the response from the wlgroups/getAllGroups endpoint.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
stakeholder_id Id of the stakeholder to remove.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Delete Group

Deletes group from the whitelabel. When a group is deleted, all members, permissions, boat options, etc. are removed from the group. This action cannot be undone.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group to delete.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

                            {"Success":"Group has been deleted."}
Success Response Key

Non-Assigned Permissions

Retrieves a list of permissions that are not assigned to the selected group. This is useful when you want to allow the user to select which permissions to add to the group as it will only return the remaining possible permissions.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

                            [{"permission_id":3,"title":"Remove User from Organization","descr":"Allows a person to remove an existing user in the organization. Removing a user from the organization will cause data-loss for the removed user. Limit the number of users with this permission to Super Admins or to a membership committee. "},{"permission_id":5,"title":"Create Practices","descr":"Allowed to add \/ remove \/ edit practices on the calendar."},{"permission_id":6,"title":"Practice Communications","descr":"Allowed to send communications about practices."},{"permission_id":8,"title":"Manage Equipment","descr":"Allowed to update information related to equipment."},{"permission_id":9,"title":"Add Equipment to Inventory","descr":"Allowed to add \/ remove equipment from organization inventory."},{"permission_id":10,"title":"Equipment Usage Hours & Group Permissions","descr":"Allowed to set hours equipment can be used and which groups are allowed to use them."}]
Success Response Key

Get Non Group Members

Returns a list of all users that are not in the specified group. This is useful for providing a list of potential members to add to the group.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Archive Group

Archiving a group allows you to hide the group without having to delete it. When archiving a group, all permissions and future scheduled charges are removed and the membership becomes locked. Nobody can join or leave an archived group without it being restored first.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Restore Group

Restores a group to an unarchived state (back to a normal group).

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Modify Public Access

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
group_id Id of the group.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
4 Manage Groups Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

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