App Data

This section of the API Documentation acts as a catch-all for endpoints that don't really fit elsewhere. Endpoints here include data that is generally specific to the official Boathouse Connect web application such as the navigation bar, but also includes helpful data that you would not be able to find out otherwise.

Get Navbar

Retrieves the navigation bar items that the user is allowed to access for a particular whitelabel. Typically used for the official Boathouse Connect UI. Every user will have a different navigation bar as well as a different order that the items may be displayed in based on their whitelabel permissions.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id (optional) Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            {"navigation":[{"text":"My Profile","icon":"fas fa-user","header":"personal","children":[{"controller":"profile","method":"myprofile","title":"My Profile"},{"controller":"dashboard","method":"index","title":"Dashboard"},{"controller":"profile","method":"preferences","title":"Preferences"},{"controller":"profile","method":"notifications","title":"Notifications"},{"controller":"profile","method":"api","title":"API Keys"}]},{"text":"Groups","icon":"fas fa-users","header":"User Manager","children":[{"controller":"groups","method":"mygroups","title":"My Groups"},{"controller":"groups","method":"rosters","title":"Rosters"}]},{"text":"Communications","icon":"fas fa-envelope","header":"personal","children":[{"controller":"communications","method":"draft","title":"Send Message"},{"controller":"communications","method":"mymessages","title":"My Messages"}]},{"text":"Practices","icon":"fas fa-bullhorn","header":"","children":[{"controller":"practices","method":"AllPractices","title":"Practices"},{"controller":"practices","method":"attendance","title":"Attendance"},{"controller":"practices","method":"coachingNotes","title":"Coaching Notes"}]},{"text":"Equipment","icon":"fas fa-warehouse","header":"","children":[{"controller":"equipment","method":"all","title":"All Equipment"},{"controller":"equipment","method":"reportedIssues","title":"Reported Issues"}]},{"text":"Tasks","icon":"fas fa-list-ol","header":"","children":[{"controller":"surveys","method":"mysurveys","title":"My Surveys"},{"controller":"volunteerhours","method":"index","title":"Volunteer Hours"}]},{"text":"Waivers","icon":"fas fa-newspaper","header":"","children":[{"controller":"waivers","method":"mywaivers","title":"My Waivers"}]},{"text":"Finances","icon":"fas fa-dollar-sign","header":"personal","children":[{"controller":"finances","method":"myFinances","title":"My Finances"}]},{"text":"RowStats","icon":"mr-2 mdi mdi-chart-areaspline","header":"","children":[{"controller":"rowstats","method":"myraces","title":"My Races"}]}],"social_media":[]}
Success Response Key

Get Rowing Skills

token API Token.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Possible Pemissions

Retrieves a list of all permissions options. All users have permission_id 1 assigned to them. Users can have multiple permissions assigned to them for each whitelabel they are a member of. Having certain permissions on one whitelabel does not necessarily mean the user will have the same permissions on another whitelabel. Permissions are assigned to groups, not users. Users can be members of different groups and therefore inherit the permissions of all of the groups they are a member of.

token API Token.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            [{"permission_id":1,"title":"Basic Access","descr":"Anything every member of BoathouseConnect will need to access such as password reset, contact information, my profile information, notification center, etc."},{"permission_id":2,"title":"Add User to Organization","descr":"Allows a person to authorize other Boathouse Connect users to join this organization. Also allows a person to pre-authorize users to join this organization."},{"permission_id":3,"title":"Remove User from Organization","descr":"Allows a person to remove an existing user in the organization. Removing a user from the organization will cause data-loss for the removed user. Limit the number of users with this permission to Super Admins or to a membership committee. "},{"permission_id":4,"title":"Manage Groups","descr":"Full group permission. Allowed to create groups, add\/remove users from groups, and set permissions for groups."},{"permission_id":5,"title":"Create Practices","descr":"Allowed to add \/ remove \/ edit practices on the calendar."},{"permission_id":6,"title":"Practice Communications","descr":"Allowed to send communications about practices."},{"permission_id":7,"title":"Set Practice Lineups","descr":"Allowed to create\/publish lineups for practices."},{"permission_id":8,"title":"Manage Equipment","descr":"Allowed to update information related to equipment."},{"permission_id":9,"title":"Add Equipment to Inventory","descr":"Allowed to add \/ remove equipment from organization inventory."},{"permission_id":10,"title":"Equipment Usage Hours & Group Permissions","descr":"Allowed to set hours equipment can be used and which groups are allowed to use them."},{"permission_id":11,"title":"Check out equipment","descr":"Allowed to check out\/in equipment for private uses or for practices."},{"permission_id":12,"title":"Manage Communications","descr":"Allowed to change communications settings such as custom domain name settings, send hours, and other email settings."},{"permission_id":13,"title":"Send Communications to Allowed Groups","descr":"Allowed to send emails \/ text messages to groups the user is a member of."},{"permission_id":14,"title":"Approve Communications","descr":"Approve communications requested to be sent by users not authorized to send communications. Only allowed in groups you are a member of."},{"permission_id":15,"title":"Manage Communications Stakeholders","descr":"Allowed to create\/manage stakeholder lists for groups you are a member of."},{"permission_id":16,"title":"Manage RowStats","descr":"Allowed to add\/update\/delete RowStats for other users."},{"permission_id":17,"title":"Manage Organization Settings","descr":"Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc."},{"permission_id":18,"title":"Manage Documents and Waivers","descr":"Allowed to setup USRowing waiver integration, and manage documents for users."},{"permission_id":19,"title":"Manage Surveys","descr":"Allowed to create and send surveys to the entire organization. "},{"permission_id":20,"title":"Manage Finances","descr":"Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users."},{"permission_id":21,"title":"Assess Fees","descr":"Allowed to assess fees to users."},{"permission_id":22,"title":"Manage Volunteer Hours","descr":"Allowed to add, remove, and approve volunteer hours for the organization."}]
Success Response Key

Get All Whitelabels

token API Token.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            [{"whitelabel_id":127,"name":"New Orleans Rowing Club, Ltd.","rc_orgid":638,"created_at":1595342528,"custid_claimed":564,"abbreviation":"NORC","timezone":"America\/Chicago","member_count":24,"last_accessed":1645473015},{"whitelabel_id":128,"name":"Madeup Rowing Club","rc_orgid":19,"created_at":1599016756,"custid_claimed":567,"abbreviation":"TENNW","timezone":"America\/New_York","member_count":1,"last_accessed":1599016756}]
Success Response Key

Get Notification By Id

Gets a specific notification for the authenticated user using the notification_id.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
notification_id Id of the notification to retrieve.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            [{"notification_id":33,"whitelabel_id":127,"custid":564,"created_at":1596033363,"read_at":1642889127,"title":"User Added","descr":"New user has been approved to ","message":"Alex Madeupperson has been approved to join South Central Rowing Club by John Fakerson.","icon":"fas fa-plus","btn":"info","btn_link":"\/dashboard\/index?","btn_title":"Go To Dashboard"}]
Success Response Key

Mark Notification as Read

Marks a specified notification as 'read'. This is useful if the user has seen the notification in one app, it can then be hidden from them in another. Notifications may only be marked as 'read' by the receiver of the notification.

token API Token.
notification_id Id of the notification to mark as read.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization that generated the notification.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Notifications For User

Gets notifications for the authenticated user.

token API Token.
whitelabel_id (optional) Whitelabel Id of the organization.
since (optional) UNIX timestamp of the earliest message to retrieve. Default is 0.
max (optional) Maximum number of notifications to return, up to 30. Default is 30.
read (optional) `read` or `unread` - which type of notifications to retrieve. Default is `unread`.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            [{"notification_id":142,"whitelabel_id":127,"custid":564,"created_at":1629556006,"read_at":0,"title":"New Message Requires Approval","descr":"There is a new message that must be approved","message":"alex madeupperson has requested to send a Email but does not have proper permissions to send messages. Please review the message and approve or decline it.","icon":"mr-2 mdi mdi-email-outline","btn":"info","btn_link":"\/communications\/pending?","btn_title":"View Pending Messages"},{"notification_id":137,"whitelabel_id":127,"custid":564,"created_at":1628346351,"read_at":0,"title":"Join Request","descr":"New pending join request!","message":"You have a new join request from Phil Realman to join New Orleans Rowing Club, Ltd.! Go to your dashboard to either approve or decline the join request.","icon":"fas fa-plus","btn":"info","btn_link":"\/dashboard\/index?","btn_title":"Go To Dashboard"}]
Success Response Key

Mark all notifications as Read

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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

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