Practices / Regattas
Activate Practice Location
POST practices/activateLocation
Marks a practice location as available for future practices.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
location_id | Id of the practice location. |
active | `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not the location is available to use for upcoming practices. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
[{"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes","latitude":40.074,"longitude":-105.237,"geo_available":"Yes"},{"location_id":5,"name":"My House","address":"220 Mason Ave","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"70148","fee":"$0","notes":"Park on the street by the grass and walk to boat yard.","active":"Yes","latitude":40.0157,"longitude":-105.279,"geo_available":"Yes"}]
Success Response Key
Add Athlete To Lineup
POST practices/addAthleteToLineup
Adds an athlete to a seat in a boat. The athlete must first be attending the practice in order to be added to a lineup.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
custid | Custid of the user being added to the lineup |
boat_id | Id of the boat the athlete is being assigned to |
position | Seat number or `coxswain` that the athlete is being assigned to in the boat. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"series_id":0,"name":"Saturday Club Team","location":{"whitelabel_id":127,"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","entry_fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes"},"start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"formatted_times":{"start_unix":1717858800,"start_date":"Jun 8, 2024","start_time":"9:00 AM","start_24":"09:00:00","end_unix":1717866000,"end_date":"Jun 8, 2024","end_time":"11:00 AM","end_24":"11:00:00","time_range":"Sat 9:00 - 11:00 AM","calendar_date":"2024-06-08","ios":"Sat Jun 8 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM"},"max_attendees":25,"visiting_rowers_allowed":"Yes","custid":564,"reservation_id":144,"lineups_set":"No","session_plan":{"practice_id":113,"whitelabel_id":127,"session_plan":"row out to first base and back","last_updated":1718399679},"is_attending":true,"set_attendance_allowed":false,"attendee_count":1,"attendance":[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","profile_image":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/564\/12398da7d5fb4c11aead854f6d2a87bb8850093.jpg","sex":"Male","birth_year":1995,"phone_number":"4074031671","email":"","height":71,"weight":"230","preference_port":4,"preference_starboard":2,"preference_sculling":5,"preference_coxswain":1,"updated_attendance_on":1718402205,"attendance_plan":"Attending","attendance_source":"Manual","lineup_boat":21,"lineup_seat":"7","lineup_side":"Starboard","lineup_sent":"No","survey_status":"Unsent","last_coxed":1642683600,"ytd_coxed_practices":0,"usrowing_number":1428190}],"possible_attendees":[{"custid":566,"fname":"Michael","lname":"bravo","profile_image":null,"sex":"Male","birth_year":1945,"phone_number":"","email":"","status":null,"practice_id":113,"attendance_start":1717599600,"attendance_end":1717772400}],"groups":[{"group_id":45,"title":"Coach","descr":"Allowed to create and manage team practices which includes setting lineups, viewing user contact\/personal details (along with emergency contacts), planning regattas and send communications.?","group_max":0,"group_self_join":"No","declare_attendance_start":1717599600,"declare_attendance_end":1717772400,"default_attendance":"unknown"}],"equipment":[{"reservation_id":144,"whitelabel_id":127,"start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"time_human":"Sat Jun 8 9:00am - 11:00am","type":"practice","created_at":1717804291,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","phone_number":"4074031671","email":"","boats":[],"oars":[],"ergs":[],"notes":""}],"lineup_focus":0,"coaching_notes":[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"practice_name":"Saturday Club Team","start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"custid":564,"athlete_name":"Michael Tester","athlete_avatar":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/564\/12398da7d5fb4c11aead854f6d2a87bb8850093.jpg","status":"Attending","boat_id":21,"seat":"7","lineup_side":"Starboard","boat_name":"Bayou Navy","coaching_note":"","submitted_by_name":null,"submitted_by_custid":null}],"assigned_coaches":[],"possible_coaches":[{"custid":577,"fname":"Jim","lname":"Dahl","profile_image":null},{"custid":585,"fname":"Bill","lname":"Smith","profile_image":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/585\/d96b2bf801ecbd97d477a29aea93819d5222425.jpg"},{"custid":581,"fname":"jonny","lname":"testerson","profile_image":null}],"pending_requests":[],"forecasted_weather":[],"firebase_chat_id":"-Nzp6KWWWvsUMPOp1JeP"}
Success Response Key
Create Change Attendance Request
POST practices/addChangeAttendanceRequest
Adds a request for the authenticated user to change their practice attendance status after their attendance window has closed.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice. |
attendance_request | `Attending` or `Not Attending` - new state the athlete would like to request. |
request_reason | Reason for requesting the change. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Request added.","custid":564,"practice_id":113,"requested_status":"Not Attending","reason":"I forgot to change it :("}
Success Response Key
Create Coaching Notes
POST practices/addCoachingNote
Creates a new coaching note for a given athlete. This is best used to give athletes feedback after practice.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice the note references. |
custid | Custid of the user the note is for. |
note | Coaching note for the athlete |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Coaching note added.","practice_id":8,"custid":564}
Success Response Key
Add Coach To Lineup
POST practices/addCoachToLineup
Adds or removes a coach as the coach for a given lineup.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice. |
boat_id | Id of the boat being assigned to the coach. |
coach_custid | Custid of the coach. |
state | `Add` or `Remove` - indicates whether or not the coach is being added or removed from the boat |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Coach added to lineup.","boat_id":21,"custid":564,"practice_id":113}
Success Response Key
Add Group To Practice
POST practices/addGroupToPractice
Adds a group of users as eligible to attend a given practice.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
group_id | Id of the group being added to the practice. |
attendance_start | Number of seconds before practice starts that a user is allowed to declare their attendance. |
attendance_end | Number of seconds before practice starts that a user must have their attendance plans finalized. |
default_attendance | Default attendance for all athletes in the group for the given practice. (options are `attending` or `unknown` |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Attendance group added to practice."}
Success Response Key
Add Practice Location
POST practices/addLocation
Creates a new location that a practice can be held.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
name | Name of the practice location. |
address | Address of the practice location. |
city | City the location resides in. |
state | State/region the practice location resides in. |
zipcode | Postal code of the location. |
fee | (optional) Fee charged by an external entity (such as a city park) to gain access to the location. |
notes | (optional) Anything the user should know about that location prior to arriving (extra directions, etc.). |
active | (optional) `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not the location is available to use for upcoming practices (defaults to `Yes`). |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
[{"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes","latitude":40.074,"longitude":-105.237,"geo_available":"Yes"},{"location_id":5,"name":"My House","address":"220 Mason Ave","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"70148","fee":"$0","notes":"Park on the street by the grass and walk to boat yard.","active":"Yes","latitude":40.0157,"longitude":-105.279,"geo_available":"Yes"}]
Success Response Key
Clone Practice
POST practices/clonePractice
Clones a practice based on a given practice_id.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
cloned_practice_id | Id of the practice being cloned. |
name | Name of the practice. |
location_id | Id of the location of the practice. |
start_time | UNIX timestamp of the start time of the practice. |
end_time | UNIX timestamp of the end time of the practice. |
max_attendees | Maximum number of attendees allowed to attend the practice. |
visiting_rowers_allowed | `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not visiting rowers are allowed to attend the practice. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Create Practice
POST practices/createPractice
Creates a new practice. Returns the Id of the newly created practice.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
name | Name of the practice. |
location_id | Id of the location of the practice. |
start_time | UNIX timestamp of the start time of the practice. |
end_time | UNIX timestamp of the end time of the practice. |
max_attendees | Maximum number of attendees allowed to attend the practice. |
visiting_rowers_allowed | `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not visiting rowers are allowed to attend the practice. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Delete Practice
POST practices/deletePractice
Deletes a practice and removes all associated data for it. This cannot be undone!
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice to delete. |
reservation_id | Id of the reservation created for the practice. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Export Practice Lineups
POST practices/exportPracticeLineups
Generates an array of all practice lineups for the entire organization.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
start_date | (optional) UNIX timestamp of the start of a date filter. Used to filter the start time of practice. Defaults to 0. |
end_date | (optional) UNIX timestamp of the end of a date filter. Used to filter the end time of practice. Defaults to the current timestamp. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
8 | Manage Equipment | Allowed to update information related to equipment. |
17 | Manage Organization Settings | Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc. |
Sample Responses
[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":1,"custid":564,"practice_name":"Masters Saturday","practice_start_time":1608381000,"practice_end_time":1608386400,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","full_name":"Michael Tester","phone_number":"(555) 555-5555","email":"","attendance_status":"Attending","attendance_last_updated":1608263723,"lineup_boat_id":20,"boat_name":"Lil' Easy","boat_type":"1","lineup_seat":"1","lineup_email_sent":"Yes","lineup_survey":"Sent","lineups_satisfaction":null,"sessionplan_satisfaction":null,"reported_issues":null,"survey_coaching_comments":null,"survey_submitted_on":null,"coaching_note":null},{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":3,"custid":564,"practice_name":"Wednesday Practice","practice_start_time":1609959600,"practice_end_time":1609966800,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","full_name":"Michael Tester","phone_number":"(555) 555-5555","email":"","attendance_status":"Attending","attendance_last_updated":1609945505,"lineup_boat_id":20,"boat_name":"Lil' Easy","boat_type":"1","lineup_seat":"1","lineup_email_sent":"Yes","lineup_survey":"Sent","lineups_satisfaction":null,"sessionplan_satisfaction":null,"reported_issues":null,"survey_coaching_comments":null,"survey_submitted_on":null,"coaching_note":null}]
Success Response Key
Get Practices For Athlete
GET practices/getAthletePractices
Retrieves the meta-data of all the practices a given athlete is eligible to attend.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
upcoming | (optional) Restricts results to only practices that are in the future or currently in progress. Default is true. |
custid | (optional) Custid of the athlete to find eligible practices for. Defaults to the authenticated user. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
[{"practice_id":112,"whitelabel_id":127,"series_id":0,"name":"August Masters Mondays","location_id":1,"location_name":"Boulder Reservoir","start_time":1693231200,"end_time":1693238400,"formatted_times":{"start_unix":1693231200,"start_date":"Aug 28, 2023","start_time":"8:00 AM","start_24":"08:00:00","end_unix":1693238400,"end_date":"Aug 28, 2023","end_time":"10:00 AM","end_24":"10:00:00","time_range":"Mon 8:00 - 10:00 AM","calendar_date":"2023-08-28","ios":"Mon Aug 28 | 8:00 - 10:00 AM"},"max_attendees":10,"reservation_id":139,"lineups_set":"No","public":"Yes","visiting_rowers":"Yes","custid":564,"lineup_focus":0,"firebase_chat_id":"","attendee_count":1,"current_attendance_status":"Attending","attendance_window_start":1692367200,"attendance_window_end":1693054800,"is_attending":true,"set_attendance_allowed":false,"attendance_change_request_status":null,"attendance_plan":"Attending"},{"practice_id":111,"whitelabel_id":127,"series_id":0,"name":"August Masters Mondays","location_id":1,"location_name":"Boulder Reservoir","start_time":1692626400,"end_time":1692633600,"formatted_times":{"start_unix":1692626400,"start_date":"Aug 21, 2023","start_time":"8:00 AM","start_24":"08:00:00","end_unix":1692633600,"end_date":"Aug 21, 2023","end_time":"10:00 AM","end_24":"10:00:00","time_range":"Mon 8:00 - 10:00 AM","calendar_date":"2023-08-21","ios":"Mon Aug 21 | 8:00 - 10:00 AM"},"max_attendees":10,"reservation_id":138,"lineups_set":"No","public":"Yes","visiting_rowers":"Yes","custid":564,"lineup_focus":0,"firebase_chat_id":"","attendee_count":1,"current_attendance_status":"Attending","attendance_window_start":1690207200,"attendance_window_end":1692450000,"is_attending":true,"set_attendance_allowed":false,"attendance_change_request_status":null,"attendance_plan":"Attending"}]
Success Response Key
Get Locations
GET practices/getLocations
Gets all the possible practice locations.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
location_id | (optional) When provided, only the location matching this location_id is returned. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
[{"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","fee":"$7.95","notes":"Entry fee required if you did not purchase seasonal parks pass from the park office.","active":"Yes","latitude":40.074,"longitude":-105.237,"geo_available":"Yes"},{"location_id":2,"name":"Test","address":"Location","city":"m","state":"AL","zipcode":"7","fee":"$0","notes":"","active":"Yes","latitude":0,"longitude":0,"geo_available":"No"}]
Success Response Key
Get All Practices
GET practices/getPractices
Retrieves all practices based on the provided filters. The sample response return the data when the `meta_only` parameter is provided and set to `Yes`. Otherwise, the entire practice object is returned.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | (optional) Id of the practice to return |
limit | (optional) Max number of practices to return. Default is 10. |
attending | (optional) Restricts results to only practices that the custid parameter specified is attending. Default is false. |
upcoming | (optional) Restricts results to only practices that are in the future or currently in progress. Default is true. |
eligible | (optional) Restricts results to only practices that the custid parameter specified is eligible to attend. Default is false. |
since | (optional) Restricts results to practices ending before timestamp provided if the `upcoming` parameter is true, or after if the `upcoming` parameter is false. default is the current UNIX timestamp. |
custid | (optional) Custid of the user you want to impose search restrictions with the attending = true and/or eligible = true parameters. |
meta_only | (optional) `Yes` or `No`. Returns only the basic meta data about the practices if set to yes. Defaults to `No`. Use this parameter to increase the response speed. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":153,"series_id":0,"name":"Friday Masters Series","location_id":1,"location_name":"Boulder Reservoir","start_time":1716559200,"end_time":1716566400,"formatted_times":{"start_unix":1716559200,"start_date":"May 24, 2024","start_time":"8:00 AM","start_24":"08:00:00","end_unix":1716566400,"end_date":"May 24, 2024","end_time":"10:00 AM","end_24":"10:00:00","time_range":"Fri 8:00 - 10:00 AM","calendar_date":"2024-05-24","ios":"Fri May 24 | 8:00 - 10:00 AM"},"max_attendees":9,"reservation_id":179,"lineups_set":"No","public":"Yes","visiting_rowers":"Yes","custid":564,"lineup_focus":0,"firebase_chat_id":"-NwL5H1oy0fTPUNL1fDi"},{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":154,"series_id":0,"name":"Friday Masters Series","location_id":1,"location_name":"Boulder Reservoir","start_time":1717164000,"end_time":1717171200,"formatted_times":{"start_unix":1717164000,"start_date":"May 31, 2024","start_time":"8:00 AM","start_24":"08:00:00","end_unix":1717171200,"end_date":"May 31, 2024","end_time":"10:00 AM","end_24":"10:00:00","time_range":"Fri 8:00 - 10:00 AM","calendar_date":"2024-05-31","ios":"Fri May 31 | 8:00 - 10:00 AM"},"max_attendees":9,"reservation_id":180,"lineups_set":"No","public":"Yes","visiting_rowers":"Yes","custid":564,"lineup_focus":0,"firebase_chat_id":"-NwL5HQrG7m24yLkTSl0"}]
Success Response Key
Get Post-Practice Survey Results
GET practices/getPracticeSurveyResults
Retrieves the post-practice survey results for the given practice. If no surveys have been submitted, an empty array is returned.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
6 | Practice Communications | Allowed to send communications about practices. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
17 | Manage Organization Settings | Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc. |
Sample Responses
[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":80,"custid":564,"lineups_satisfaction":"Yes","sessionplan_satisfaction":"Yes","equipment_issues":"","coach_comments":"Drill work went well - surprisingly our best piece was pausing at the roll up point. When continuous rowing, the mixed 8 felt really, really heavy especially when trying to bring up the rating by pushing the legs down (not changing the recovery). Stern 3 felt it and could push but it felt like the rest of the boat never left paddle pressure. ","timestamp":1655478845,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","email":"","profile_image":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/564\/12398da7d5fb4c11aead854f6d2a87bb8850093.jpg","practice_name":"Friday Varsity","practice_start_time":1642770000,"practice_end_time":1642777200,"boat_id":null,"boat_name":null,"lineup_seat":null}]
Success Response Key
Get Coaching Notes
GET practices/getUserCoachingNotes
Retrieves all coaching notes for the authenticated user. All practices the athlete attended are included, regardless of
if a coach added a coaching note or not.
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":8,"practice_name":"Sample Practice","start_time":1625914800,"end_time":1625922000,"session_plan":"5k time trial. First 1k at a 20 stroke rate, next 2k at a 24 stroke rate, last 2k at 26 stroke rate.5 minute paddle cool-down afterwards back to the dock.","custid":564,"status":"Attending","boat_id":21,"boat_seat":"4","boat_name":"Bayou Navy","coaching_note":"When you get tired, I noticed that you are starting to slouch at the catch. Make sure to sit-up tall!","submitted_by":"Michael Tester"},{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":7,"practice_name":"Afternoon Row","start_time":1624644000,"end_time":1624651200,"session_plan":null,"custid":564,"status":"Attending","boat_id":21,"boat_seat":"8","boat_name":"Bayou Navy","coaching_note":null,"submitted_by":null},{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":6,"practice_name":"Sunday Afternoon row","start_time":1615744800,"end_time":1615755600,"session_plan":null,"custid":564,"status":"Attending","boat_id":null,"boat_seat":null,"boat_name":null,"coaching_note":null,"submitted_by":null}]
Success Response Key
Publish Lineups
POST practices/publishLineups
Publishes the lineups for athletes to view in the web/mobile apps. This also triggers the lineup email to each athlete
who has been placed in a lineup.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Lineups have been published!"}
Success Response Key
Remove From Lineup
POST practices/removeFromLineup
Marks a given seat in a boat for the practice as available for another athlete.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
boat_id | Id of the boat the athlete is assigned to. |
position | Seat number (or `coxswain`) the athlete being removed is assigned to. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"series_id":0,"name":"Saturday Club Team","location":{"whitelabel_id":127,"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","entry_fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes"},"start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"formatted_times":{"start_unix":1717858800,"start_date":"Jun 8, 2024","start_time":"9:00 AM","start_24":"09:00:00","end_unix":1717866000,"end_date":"Jun 8, 2024","end_time":"11:00 AM","end_24":"11:00:00","time_range":"Sat 9:00 - 11:00 AM","calendar_date":"2024-06-08","ios":"Sat Jun 8 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM"},"max_attendees":25,"visiting_rowers_allowed":"Yes","custid":564,"reservation_id":144,"lineups_set":"No","session_plan":{"practice_id":113,"whitelabel_id":127,"session_plan":"row out to first base and back","last_updated":1718399679},"is_attending":true,"set_attendance_allowed":false,"attendee_count":1,"attendance":[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","profile_image":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/564\/12398da7d5fb4c11aead854f6d2a87bb8850093.jpg","sex":"Male","birth_year":1995,"phone_number":"4074031671","email":"","height":71,"weight":"230","preference_port":4,"preference_starboard":2,"preference_sculling":5,"preference_coxswain":1,"updated_attendance_on":1718402205,"attendance_plan":"Attending","attendance_source":"Manual","lineup_boat":21,"lineup_seat":"7","lineup_side":"Starboard","lineup_sent":"No","survey_status":"Unsent","last_coxed":1642683600,"ytd_coxed_practices":0,"usrowing_number":1428190}],"possible_attendees":[{"custid":566,"fname":"Michael","lname":"bravo","profile_image":null,"sex":"Male","birth_year":1945,"phone_number":"","email":"","status":null,"practice_id":113,"attendance_start":1717599600,"attendance_end":1717772400}],"groups":[{"group_id":45,"title":"Coach","descr":"Allowed to create and manage team practices which includes setting lineups, viewing user contact\/personal details (along with emergency contacts), planning regattas and send communications.?","group_max":0,"group_self_join":"No","declare_attendance_start":1717599600,"declare_attendance_end":1717772400,"default_attendance":"unknown"}],"equipment":[{"reservation_id":144,"whitelabel_id":127,"start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"time_human":"Sat Jun 8 9:00am - 11:00am","type":"practice","created_at":1717804291,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","phone_number":"4074031671","email":"","boats":[],"oars":[],"ergs":[],"notes":""}],"lineup_focus":0,"coaching_notes":[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"practice_name":"Saturday Club Team","start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"custid":564,"athlete_name":"Michael Tester","athlete_avatar":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/564\/12398da7d5fb4c11aead854f6d2a87bb8850093.jpg","status":"Attending","boat_id":21,"seat":"7","lineup_side":"Starboard","boat_name":"Bayou Navy","coaching_note":"","submitted_by_name":null,"submitted_by_custid":null}],"assigned_coaches":[],"possible_coaches":[{"custid":577,"fname":"Jim","lname":"Dahl","profile_image":null},{"custid":585,"fname":"Bill","lname":"Smith","profile_image":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/585\/d96b2bf801ecbd97d477a29aea93819d5222425.jpg"},{"custid":581,"fname":"jonny","lname":"testerson","profile_image":null}],"pending_requests":[],"forecasted_weather":[],"firebase_chat_id":"-Nzp6KWWWvsUMPOp1JeP"}
Success Response Key
Remove Group From Practice
POST practices/removeGroup
Removes a given attendance group from the practice.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
group_id | Id of the group being removed to the practice. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Attendance group removed from the practice.","group_id":45,"practice_id":113}
Success Response Key
Send Message To Attendees
POST practices/sendMessageToAttendees
Sends an email or text message to each of the attendees of the practice, regardless of if they have been placed in a lineup.
This message will show up in the Message Analytics, which can be retrieved from the /communications/sentMessages endpoint.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice. |
message_type | Type of message being sent (`email` or `text`). |
body | Body of the message being sent. |
subject | (optional) Subject line if the message_type is `email` |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
6 | Practice Communications | Allowed to send communications about practices. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Message Sent.","message_id":7823}
Success Response Key
Set Attendance Intention
POST practices/setAttendance
Sets an athletes' attendance for a given practice to either Attending or Not Attending.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
attendance | `Attending`, `Not Attending` - The attendance status for the athlete for this practice. |
custid | (optional) Custid of the user being updated. Defaults to the authenticated user. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Attendance set for the athlete.","custid":564,"practice_id":113,"attendance":"Attending"}
Success Response Key
Update Change Attendance Request
POST practices/updateChangeAttendanceRequest
Changes the attendance status of an athlete based on an attendance change request.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice. |
custid | Custid of the user who submitted the change request. |
request_status | `Attending` or `Not Attending` - New attendance status for the user. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Request added.","custid":564,"practice_id":113,"new_status":"Not Attending"}
Success Response Key
Update Group Default Attendance
POST practices/updateDefaultAttendance
Updates the default attendance for an attendance group assigned to the practice. Returns an array of athletes attending
the practice.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice. |
group_id | Id of the group being modified. |
default_attendance | `Attending` or `Unknown` - Default attendance status for all members of the group. |
max_attendees | Maximum number of attendees allowed to attend the practice. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"custid":571,"fname":"Alex","lname":"Madeupperson","profile_image":null,"sex":"Male","birth_year":2007,"phone_number":"(555) 555-5555","email":"","height":null,"weight":null,"preference_port":3,"preference_starboard":3,"preference_sculling":3,"preference_coxswain":3,"updated_attendance_on":1718410234,"attendance_plan":"Unknown","attendance_source":"Default","lineup_boat":null,"lineup_seat":null,"lineup_side":null,"lineup_sent":null,"survey_status":null,"last_coxed":null,"ytd_coxed_practices":0,"usrowing_number":228427},{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"custid":592,"fname":"Tester","lname":"Testing","profile_image":null,"sex":"Female","birth_year":2007,"phone_number":"(123) 456-7890","email":"","height":null,"weight":null,"preference_port":1,"preference_starboard":1,"preference_sculling":1,"preference_coxswain":1,"updated_attendance_on":1718410235,"attendance_plan":"Unknown","attendance_source":"Default","lineup_boat":null,"lineup_seat":null,"lineup_side":null,"lineup_sent":null,"survey_status":null,"last_coxed":null,"ytd_coxed_practices":0,"usrowing_number":null}]
Success Response Key
Update Group Attendance
POST practices/updateGroup
Updates an attendance group assigned to the practice.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
group_id | Id of the group being modified for the practice. |
attendance_start | Number of seconds before practice starts that a user is allowed to declare their attendance. |
attendance_end | Number of seconds before practice starts that a user must have their attendance plans finalized. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Attendance group updated for the practice.","group_id":45,"practice_id":113}
Success Response Key
Update Lineup Focus
POST practices/updateLineupFocus
Updates the lineup focus for the practice. This is used to eventually develop an automated lineup generator. The options
for `focus_id` are:Focus Id | Description |
1 | Similar Experience |
2 | Similar Age |
3 | Upcoming Racing Lineups |
4 | Similar Weight |
5 | Experimentation |
6 | Maximum Number of Boats |
7 | Minimum Number of Boats |
8 | Similar Boat Speeds |
9 | Fastest Boat Speeds |
10 | Other |
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
focus_id | Id of the focus plan for the lineups at practice. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"series_id":0,"name":"Saturday Club Team","location":{"whitelabel_id":127,"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","entry_fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes"},"start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"formatted_times":{"start_unix":1717858800,"start_date":"Jun 8, 2024","start_time":"9:00 AM","start_24":"09:00:00","end_unix":1717866000,"end_date":"Jun 8, 2024","end_time":"11:00 AM","end_24":"11:00:00","time_range":"Sat 9:00 - 11:00 AM","calendar_date":"2024-06-08","ios":"Sat Jun 8 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM"},"max_attendees":25,"visiting_rowers_allowed":"Yes","custid":564,"reservation_id":144,"lineups_set":"No","session_plan":{"practice_id":113,"whitelabel_id":127,"session_plan":"row out to first base and back","last_updated":1718399679},"is_attending":true,"set_attendance_allowed":false,"attendee_count":1,"attendance":[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","profile_image":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/564\/12398da7d5fb4c11aead854f6d2a87bb8850093.jpg","sex":"Male","birth_year":1995,"phone_number":"4074031671","email":"","height":71,"weight":"230","preference_port":4,"preference_starboard":2,"preference_sculling":5,"preference_coxswain":1,"updated_attendance_on":1718402205,"attendance_plan":"Attending","attendance_source":"Manual","lineup_boat":21,"lineup_seat":"7","lineup_side":"Starboard","lineup_sent":"No","survey_status":"Unsent","last_coxed":1642683600,"ytd_coxed_practices":0,"usrowing_number":1428190}],"possible_attendees":[{"custid":566,"fname":"Michael","lname":"bravo","profile_image":null,"sex":"Male","birth_year":1945,"phone_number":"","email":"","status":null,"practice_id":113,"attendance_start":1717599600,"attendance_end":1717772400}],"groups":[{"group_id":45,"title":"Coach","descr":"Allowed to create and manage team practices which includes setting lineups, viewing user contact\/personal details (along with emergency contacts), planning regattas and send communications.?","group_max":0,"group_self_join":"No","declare_attendance_start":1717599600,"declare_attendance_end":1717772400,"default_attendance":"unknown"}],"equipment":[{"reservation_id":144,"whitelabel_id":127,"start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"time_human":"Sat Jun 8 9:00am - 11:00am","type":"practice","created_at":1717804291,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Tester","phone_number":"4074031671","email":"","boats":[],"oars":[],"ergs":[],"notes":""}],"lineup_focus":8,"coaching_notes":[{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"practice_name":"Saturday Club Team","start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"custid":564,"athlete_name":"Michael Tester","athlete_avatar":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/564\/12398da7d5fb4c11aead854f6d2a87bb8850093.jpg","status":"Attending","boat_id":21,"seat":"7","lineup_side":"Starboard","boat_name":"Bayou Navy","coaching_note":"","submitted_by_name":null,"submitted_by_custid":null}],"assigned_coaches":[],"possible_coaches":[{"custid":577,"fname":"Jim","lname":"Dahl","profile_image":null},{"custid":585,"fname":"Bill","lname":"Smith","profile_image":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/585\/d96b2bf801ecbd97d477a29aea93819d5222425.jpg"},{"custid":581,"fname":"jonny","lname":"testerson","profile_image":null}],"pending_requests":[],"forecasted_weather":[],"firebase_chat_id":"-Nzp6KWWWvsUMPOp1JeP"}
Success Response Key
Update Location Address
POST practices/updateLocationAddress
Updates the address of a given practice location.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
location_id | Id of the practice location. |
address | Address of the practice location. |
city | City the location resides in. |
state | State/region the practice location resides in. |
zipcode | Postal code of the location. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
[{"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes","latitude":40.074,"longitude":-105.237,"geo_available":"Yes"},{"location_id":5,"name":"My House","address":"220 Mason Ave","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"70148","fee":"$0","notes":"Park on the street by the grass and walk to boat yard.","active":"Yes","latitude":40.0157,"longitude":-105.279,"geo_available":"Yes"}]
Success Response Key
Update Location Fee
POST practices/updateLocationFee
Updates the fee that athletes might be expected to pay when they enter the practice location. This might be a fee charged
by a city park, membership to private gym, etc. No charge is generated in Boathouse Connect from this value.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
location_id | Id of the practice location. |
fee | New fee for entering the location imposed by an external party (i.e. city park) |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
[{"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes","latitude":40.074,"longitude":-105.237,"geo_available":"Yes"},{"location_id":5,"name":"My House","address":"220 Mason Ave","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"70148","fee":"$0","notes":"Park on the street by the grass and walk to boat yard.","active":"Yes","latitude":40.0157,"longitude":-105.279,"geo_available":"Yes"}]
Success Response Key
Update Location Name
POST practices/updateLocationName
Updates the name of a practice location. Returns all practice locations.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
location_id | Id of the practice location. |
name | New name of the location. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
[{"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes","latitude":40.074,"longitude":-105.237,"geo_available":"Yes"},{"location_id":5,"name":"My House","address":"220 Mason Ave","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"70148","fee":"$0","notes":"Park on the street by the grass and walk to boat yard.","active":"Yes","latitude":40.0157,"longitude":-105.279,"geo_available":"Yes"}]
Success Response Key
Update Location Notes
POST practices/updateLocationNotes
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
location_id | Id of the practice location. |
notes | New notes for the location. Replaces existing notes |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Update Practice Meta
POST practices/updatePractice
Updates the metadata of a practice. Only the attributes you provide will be updated. The practice object is returned.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice. |
name | (optional) New name of the practice. |
location_id | (optional) New Id of the location of the practice. |
start_time | (optional) New UNIX timestamp of the start time of the practice. |
end_time | (optional) New UNIX timestamp of the end time of the practice. |
max_attendees | (optional) New maximum number of attendees allowed to attend the practice. |
lineups_set | (optional) Marks the lineups as being available for athletes to see. Options are `Yes` or `No` |
visiting_rowers_allowed | (optional) `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not visiting rowers are allowed to attend the practice. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
{"whitelabel_id":127,"practice_id":113,"series_id":0,"name":"Saturday Club Team","location":{"whitelabel_id":127,"location_id":1,"name":"Boulder Reservoir","address":"5565 51st St","city":"Boulder","state":"CO","zipcode":"80301","entry_fee":"$7.95","notes":"","active":"Yes"},"start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"formatted_times":{"start_unix":1717858800,"start_date":"Jun 8, 2024","start_time":"9:00 AM","start_24":"09:00:00","end_unix":1717866000,"end_date":"Jun 8, 2024","end_time":"11:00 AM","end_24":"11:00:00","time_range":"Sat 9:00 - 11:00 AM","calendar_date":"2024-06-08","ios":"Sat Jun 8 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM"},"max_attendees":25,"visiting_rowers_allowed":"Yes","custid":564,"reservation_id":144,"lineups_set":"No","session_plan":[],"is_attending":false,"set_attendance_allowed":false,"attendee_count":0,"attendance":[],"possible_attendees":[],"groups":[],"equipment":[{"reservation_id":144,"whitelabel_id":127,"start_time":1717858800,"end_time":1717866000,"time_human":"Sat Jun 8 9:00am - 11:00am","type":"practice","created_at":1717804291,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Demo","phone_number":"(555) 555-5555","email":"","boats":[],"oars":[],"ergs":[],"notes":""}],"lineup_focus":0,"coaching_notes":[],"assigned_coaches":[],"possible_coaches":[{"custid":577,"fname":"Jim","lname":"Dahl","profile_image":null},{"custid":586,"fname":"Pete","lname":"Demoer","profile_image":null},{"custid":571,"fname":"alex","lname":"madeupperson","profile_image":null},{"custid":575,"fname":"Gracie","lname":"Madeupperson","profile_image":null},{"custid":579,"fname":"Phil","lname":"Realman","profile_image":null},{"custid":587,"fname":"Eric","lname":"Shaffer","profile_image":null},{"custid":585,"fname":"Bill","lname":"Smith","profile_image":"TEST\/PROFILEPICTURES\/585\/d96b2bf801ecbd97d477a29aea93819d5222425.jpg"}],"pending_requests":[],"forecasted_weather":[],"firebase_chat_id":"-Nzp6KWWWvsUMPOp1JeP"}
Success Response Key
Enable Practice Lineup Email
POST practices/updatePrePracticeEmail
Changes whether athletes receive an email with their lineups once they are published by a coach.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
setting | `Yes` or `No` - whether or not to send a pre-practice lineups email to athletes in a lineup. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
17 | Manage Organization Settings | Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Setting updated.","current_setting":"Yes"}
Success Response Key
Update Practice Plan
POST practices/updateSessionplan
Updates the coaches plan for the practice. Having a practice plan in place allows athletes to know what they will be
doing for the practice and helps crews have a much more productive row. This endpoint returns an empty array
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
practice_id | Id of the practice being updated. |
sessionplan | Practice plan for the practice. Replaces the existing practice plan. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
7 | Set Practice Lineups | Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Session plan updated."}
Success Response Key
Create Weather Alert
POST practices/createWeatherAlert
Creates a new weather alert for the authenticated user. Returns all active alerts the users has created.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
alert_type | Type of alert being created. Options are: `low_temp`, `high_temp`, `high_wind`, `high_gust`, `high_uv`. |
alert_value | Threshold value that would trigger the alert. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Remove Weather Alert
POST practices/removeWeatherAlert
Removes a given weather alert from the authenticated user.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
alert_id | Id of the weather alert to remove. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get Weather Alerts by User
POST practices/getWeatherAlertsByUser
Gets all weather alerts for the authenticated user.
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Search For Regattas
GET regattas/searchForRegattas
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
show_events | (optional) When provided with a value, all of the regatta events will also be returned with each regatta. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get Regatta By Id
GET regattas/getRegattaById
token | API Token. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get Historical Weather
GET regattas/getHistoricWeatherForVenue
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
venue_id | RegattaCentral Id for the venue. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Create Regatta Planner
POST regattas/createNewPlanner
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
hotseat_min_time | Minimum number of seconds athletes and boats can have between races. |
attendance_lock_time | Number of seconds prior to the start of the regatta that athletes must have their attendance plans locked in. |
max_attendees | Maximum number of athletes allowed to attend the regatta. |
reservation_start | UNIX timestamp of the start of the equipment reservation. |
reservation_end | UNIX timestamp of the end of the equipment reservation. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
5 | Create Practices | Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get Regatta Planner By Id
GET regattas/getPlanner
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Update Regatta Planner
POST regattas/updateRegattaPlannerSetting
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
hotseat_min_time | (optional) Minimum number of seconds athletes and boats can have between races. |
attendance_lock_time | (optional) Number of seconds prior to the start of the regatta that athletes must have their attendance plans locked in. |
max_attendees | (optional) Maximum number of athletes allowed to attend the regatta. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Add Group To Regatta
POST regattas/addGroupToRegattaPlan
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
group_id | Id of the group being modified. |
state | `Add` or `Remove` - Either adds or removed the group of users. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Add Athlete To Regatta
POST regattas/addAthleteToRegattaPlan
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
custid | Custid of the athlete being added or removed from the regatta. |
state | `Add` or `Remove` - Either adds or removes the athlete. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get All Planners
GET regattas/getAllPlanners
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get Allowed Regattas By User
GET regattas/getAllowedRegattas
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
custid | (optional) Custid of a user retrieve allowed regattas of. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Declare Interest In Regatta Event
POST regattas/interestInEvent
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
event_id | Id of the event |
state | `Add` or `Remove` - Add or removes interest in the event for the user. |
custid | (optional) Custid of a user to indicate interest in the event. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Modify Regatta Planner Users
POST regattas/modifyPlannerUser
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
custid | Custid of the user to perform the action against. |
state | `Add` or `Remove` - Either adds the user as a planner or removes them. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Create Lineup Entry
POST regattas/createLineupEntry
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
event_id | Id of the event |
entry | Letter (A-Z) indicating the entry into the race for the boat. |
boat_id | Id of the boat being used for the entry. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Add Athlete To Regatta Entry
POST regattas/addAthleteToLineup
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
lineup_id | Id of the lineup entry |
custid | Custid of the user being added to the lineup |
seat | Seat number (or `Coxswain`) the athlete is being assigned to. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Remove Athlete From Regatta Entry
POST regattas/removeAthleteFromLineup
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
lineup_id | Id of the lineup entry |
custid | Custid of the user being removed from the lineup |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Delete Regatta Entry
POST regattas/deleteLineupEntry
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
lineup_id | Id of the lineup entry |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Send Message To Regatta Participants
POST regattas/sendMessageToAttendees
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
bc_regatta_id | Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta. |
message_type | `Text` or `Email` - Type of message being sent. |
body | Body of the email / message for the text message. |
subject | (optional) Subject line if the message_type is `Email`. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses