Practices / Regattas

Activate Location

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
location_id Id of the practice location.
active `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not the location is available to use for upcoming practices.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Athlete To Lineup

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice being updated.
custid Custid of the user being added to the lineup
boat_id Id of the boat the athlete is being assigned to
position Seat number or `coxswain` that the athlete is being assigned to in the boat.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Change Attendance Request

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice.
attendance_request `Attending` or `Not Attending` - new state the athlete would like to request.
request_reason Reason for requesting the change.
token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice to delete.
reservation_id Id of the reservation created for the practice.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Coaching Notes

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice the note references.
custid Custid of the user the note is for.
note Coaching note for the athlete
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Coach To Lineup

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice.
boat_id Id of the boat being assigned to the coach.
coach_custid Custid of the coach.
state `Add` or `Remove` - indicates whether or not the coach is being added or removed from the boat
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Group To Practice

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice being updated.
group_id Id of the group being added to the practice.
attendance_start Number of seconds before practice starts that a user is allowed to declare their attendance.
attendance_end Number of seconds before practice starts that a user must have their attendance plans finalized.
default_attendance Default attendance for all athletes in the group for the given practice. (options are `attending` or `unknown`
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Location

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
name Name of the practice location.
address Address of the practice location.
city City the location resides in.
state State/region the practice location resides in.
zipcode Postal code of the location.
fee (optional) Fee charged by an external entity (such as a city park) to gain access to the location.
notes (optional) Anything the user should know about that location prior to arriving (extra directions, etc.).
active (optional) `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not the location is available to use for upcoming practices (defaults to `Yes`).
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Clone Practice

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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Bulk Practices

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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Practice

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
name Name of the practice.
location_id Id of the location of the practice.
start_time UNIX timestamp of the start time of the practice.
end_time UNIX timestamp of the end time of the practice.
max_attendees Maximum number of attendees allowed to attend the practice.
visiting_rowers_allowed `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not visiting rowers are allowed to attend the practice.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Delete Practice

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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Export Practice Lineups

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.
8 Manage Equipment Allowed to update information related to equipment.
17 Manage Organization Settings Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Locations

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
location_id (optional) When provided, only the location matching this location_id is returned.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get All Practices

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id (optional) Id of the practice to return
limit (optional) Max number of practices to return. Default is 10.
attending (optional) Restricts results to only practices that the custid parameter specified is attending. Default is false.
upcoming (optional) Restricts results to only practices that are in the future or currently in progress. Default is true.
eligible (optional) Restricts results to only practices that the custid parameter specified is eligible to attend. Default is false.
since (optional) Restricts results to practices ending before timestamp provided if the `upcoming` parameter is true, or after if the `upcoming` parameter is false. default is the current UNIX timestamp.
custid (optional) Custid of the user you want to impose search restrictions with the attending = true and/or eligible = true parameters.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Post-Practice Survey Results

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
6 Practice Communications Allowed to send communications about practices.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.
17 Manage Organization Settings Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Coaching Notes

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Publish Lineups

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice being updated.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Remove From Lineup

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice being updated.
boat_id Id of the boat the athlete is assigned to.
position Seat number (or `coxswain`) the athlete being removed is assigned to.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Remove Group From Practice

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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Send Message To Attendees

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice.
message_type Type of message being sent (`email` or `text`).
body Body of the message being sent.
subject (optional) Subject line if the message_type is `email`
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
6 Practice Communications Allowed to send communications about practices.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Set Attendance Intention

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice being updated.
attendance `Attending`, `Not Attending` or `Unknown` - The attendance status for the athlete for this practice.
custid (optional) Custid of the user being updated. Defaults to the authenticated user.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Change Attendance Request

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice.
custid Custid of the user who submitted the change request.
request_status `Attending` or `Not Attending` - New attendance status for the user.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Group Default Attendance

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice.
group_id Id of the group being modified.
default_attendance `Attending` or `Unknown` - Default attendance status for all members of the group.
max_attendees Maximum number of attendees allowed to attend the practice.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Group Attendance

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice being updated.
group_id Id of the group being modified for the practice.
attendance_start Number of seconds before practice starts that a user is allowed to declare their attendance.
attendance_end Number of seconds before practice starts that a user must have their attendance plans finalized.
default_attendance Default attendance for all athletes in the group for the given practice. (options are `attending` or `unknown`
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Lineup Focus

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice being updated.
focus_id Id of the focus plan for the lineups at practice.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Location Address

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
location_id Id of the practice location.
address Address of the practice location.
city City the location resides in.
state State/region the practice location resides in.
zipcode Postal code of the location.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Location Fee

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
location_id Id of the practice location.
fee New fee for entering the location imposed by an external party (i.e. city park)
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Location Name

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
location_id Id of the practice location.
name New name of the location.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Location Notes

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
location_id Id of the practice location.
notes New notes for the location. Replaces existing notes
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Practice Meta

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice.
name (optional) New name of the practice.
location_id (optional) New Id of the location of the practice.
start_time (optional) New UNIX timestamp of the start time of the practice.
end_time (optional) New UNIX timestamp of the end time of the practice.
max_attendees (optional) New maximum number of attendees allowed to attend the practice.
lineups_set (optional) Marks the lineups as being available for athletes to see. Options are `Yes` or `No`
visiting_rowers_allowed (optional) `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not visiting rowers are allowed to attend the practice.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Enable Practice Lineup Email

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
setting `Yes` or `No` - whether or not to send a pre-practice lineups email to athletes in a lineup.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
17 Manage Organization Settings Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Practice Plan

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
practice_id Id of the practice being updated.
sessionplan Practice plan for the practice. Replaces the existing practice plan.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.
7 Set Practice Lineups Allowed to create/publish lineups for practices.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Search For Regattas

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
show_events (optional) When provided with a value, all of the regatta events will also be returned with each regatta.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Regatta By Id

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Historical Weather

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
venue_id RegattaCentral Id for the venue.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Regatta Planner

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
hotseat_min_time Minimum number of seconds athletes and boats can have between races.
attendance_lock_time Number of seconds prior to the start of the regatta that athletes must have their attendance plans locked in.
max_attendees Maximum number of athletes allowed to attend the regatta.
reservation_start UNIX timestamp of the start of the equipment reservation.
reservation_end UNIX timestamp of the end of the equipment reservation.
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Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:
5 Create Practices Allowed to add / remove / edit practices on the calendar.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Regatta Planner By Id

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Update Regatta Planner

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
hotseat_min_time (optional) Minimum number of seconds athletes and boats can have between races.
attendance_lock_time (optional) Number of seconds prior to the start of the regatta that athletes must have their attendance plans locked in.
max_attendees (optional) Maximum number of athletes allowed to attend the regatta.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Group To Regatta

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
group_id Id of the group being modified.
state `Add` or `Remove` - Either adds or removed the group of users.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Athlete To Regatta

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
custid Custid of the athlete being added or removed from the regatta.
state `Add` or `Remove` - Either adds or removes the athlete.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get All Planners

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Get Allowed Regattas By User

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
custid (optional) Custid of a user retrieve allowed regattas of.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Declare Interest In Regatta Event

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
event_id Id of the event
state `Add` or `Remove` - Add or removes interest in the event for the user.
custid (optional) Custid of a user to indicate interest in the event.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Modify Regatta Planner Users

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
custid Custid of the user to perform the action against.
state `Add` or `Remove` - Either adds the user as a planner or removes them.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Create Lineup Entry

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
event_id Id of the event
entry Letter (A-Z) indicating the entry into the race for the boat.
boat_id Id of the boat being used for the entry.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Add Athlete To Regatta Entry

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
lineup_id Id of the lineup entry
custid Custid of the user being added to the lineup
seat Seat number (or `Coxswain`) the athlete is being assigned to.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Remove Athlete From Regatta Entry

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
lineup_id Id of the lineup entry
custid Custid of the user being removed from the lineup
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Delete Regatta Entry

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
lineup_id Id of the lineup entry
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Send Message To Regatta Participants

token API Token.
whitelabel_id Whitelabel Id of the organization.
bc_regatta_id Boathouse Connect Id of the regatta. This will be different than the RegattaCentral Id of the regatta.
message_type `Text` or `Email` - Type of message being sent.
body Body of the email / message for the text message.
subject (optional) Subject line if the message_type is `Email`.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

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