
Token authentication is required for all endpoints on the Boathouse Connect API. Every request must include the API token as the parameter "token" in either the URL or in the body of the request. For example a GET request might look like this:

While you can create a new API token with the authenticate/generateApiToken endpoint, it is best to have your users supply this token from their My Profile page. Having your users supply the token prevents you from needing to collect their login credentials and also keeps you from having to request a new token if the user changes their email or password.

Generate API Token

Generate a API Token from a user's Email address and Password. The token is valid for 6 months OR when the user changes their email/password.


This endpoint only exists to act on behalf of the user for a short period of time. We strongly recommend asking your users to supply you with a API token instead from their My Profile page and verifying it using the Check API Token endpoint instead. Tokens generated using this method are only valid for 6 months and expire when the user changes their email/password. Tokens provided from the user only expire when they manually delete the token from their profile.

email Email address of the user being authenticated.
password Password provided by the user to authenticate them.
apptokentype (optional) Type of API token being generated (app, api, zapier, ios, android). Defaults to api
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

Success Response Key

Check API Token

Check that the API key is still valid. This endpoint returns data such as the user's custid, when the token was created / last used, and when the token expires.

token API token to check to see if it is valid.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            {"token_id":513,"custid":564,"token_hash":"d4434bf1870666485411f093d5348e50","expires":1893481200,"type":"api","created_at":1645480342,"last_used":1645480556,"descr":"Test API token"}
Success Response Key

Validate Credentials

Checks that the email address and password provided match an existing account. Useful to make sure the account exists without generating a API token. Returns general information about the account.

email Email address of the user being authenticated.
password Password provided by the user to authenticate them.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            {"user":{"loginid":10060,"custid":564,"verified":true},"whitelabels":[{"custid":564,"whitelabel_id":127,"whitelabel_name":"New Orleans Rowing Club, Ltd.","whitelabel_abbreviation":"","created_at":1595213089,"last_accessed":1645482213,"skin":1,"skin_hex_code":"#1e88e5","timezone":"America\/Chicago","user_count":12,"whitelabel_settings":[{"whitelabel_id":127,"name":"","value":"Yes","last_updated":1628347796},{"whitelabel_id":127,"name":"defaultpractice.defaultAttendance","value":"Attending","last_updated":1638713356}],"plans":{"whitelabel_id":127,"plan_id":3,"plan_name":"Professional","monthly_price":"20","next_payment":1892887269}},{"custid":564,"whitelabel_id":128,"whitelabel_name":"Testerson","whitelabel_abbreviation":"","created_at":1592065082,"last_accessed":1637243361,"skin":2,"skin_hex_code":"#00acc1","timezone":"America\/New_York","user_count":1,"whitelabel_settings":[{"whitelabel_id":128,"name":"stripe.connectedaccount.charges_enabled","value":"true","last_updated":1641946502},{"whitelabel_id":128,"name":"stripe.connectedaccount.details_submitted","value":"true","last_updated":1641946502},{"whitelabel_id":128,"name":"stripe.connectedaccount.payouts_enabled","value":"true","last_updated":1641946502}],"plans":{"whitelabel_id":128,"plan_id":3,"plan_name":"Professional","monthly_price":"20","next_payment":1767614400}}],"darkMode":"false"}
Success Response Key

Delete Token

Permanently delete a given API token. Use with caution - this cannot be undone. Best use case is to delete an API token only when the user has logged-out.

tokenDestroy API token to permanently delete.
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Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.

Sample Responses

                            {"Status":"Token destroyed","OldToken":"9b59c5b7f3eb6c60e9edebb5e29f4b06"}
Success Response Key

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